Emotional Literacy
Our name means hope!
“Project: Pag-asa staff are attuned to the educational and emotional needs of each student . . .”
“. . . providing a safe and nurturing environment for students to attach, explore, receive
comfort . . . ”
Class placement at Project: Pag-asa, is by age, not ability, thus fostering emotional connections between students and avoiding nontraditional age and ability stigmas.
Each classroom has both a native English speaker and a bilingual native Tagalog speaker. This bilingual approach in which students receive instruction in their mother-tongue Tagalog, while building English skills, promotes immediate and future student success.
“. . . and learn appropriate responses to negative emotions. ”
Project: Pag-asa addresses individual educational needs such as learning disabilities and special education to attain all students’ academic potential while integrating a Biblical worldview.
A well-qualified, on-site counselor meets regularly with students.
Movement, both in and out of the classroom, is critical for regulating behavior.
Project: Pag-asa offers curricular enrichment, such as music, art, and PE.